The value of high-quality requirements
What is the value of good requirements? We have all heard for years now, for instance from the chaos report (, that changing or unclear requirements cause big problems for projects and organizations. But, what’s the value if this chaos?

The REUSE Company has developed a method based on the Constructive Systems Engineering Cost Model (COSYMO) to calculate the possible economic upside of having an effective and efficient requirements engineering process.
The COSYSMO model was created by Ricardo Valerdi while at the University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering. It gives an estimate of the number of person-months it will take to staff systems engineering resources on hardware and software projects. Initially developed in 2002, the model now contains a calibration data set of more than 50 projects provided by major aerospace and defense companies such as Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, SAIC, General Dynamics, and BAE Systems.
In this webinar we will look into the findings when we run a development project using requirements with a high vs. low degree of requirements understanding and what the economic benefits would be when using the INCOSE guide of writing requirements “for real” with our state-of-the-art SES ENGINEERING Studio, offering you the tools, processes and skills to properly tackle the daily issues of complex systems. This with the benefits of increased quality, saved development effort and money.