SES ENGINEERING Studio is such a framework

The REUSE Company logo and the CIMdata logo to represent the revision of Cimdata's publication with SES ENGINEERING Tool

Think we all can agree that Systems Engineering NEEDS Interoperability, right? We all know that maintaining the systems engineering thread is difficult since different technical processes are digitalized with different software tools. Our upcoming webinar will look into a CIMdata publication, which details how our tool, SES ENGINEERING Studio, provides an interoperability framework rigorously and helps you work with complex systems and projects!

Webinar Objectives:

  • Product complexity is increasingly a system-of-systems problem requiring effective, efficient systems engineering management solutions from product inception through operations.
  • Requirements must be written well, with no ambiguity. They must be shared as they are refined. Duplication of requirements leads to confusion, wasted time, and in extreme cases poor product performance.
  • Models of all sorts (logical, functional, structural, electrical, mechanical, equational, etc.) must also be authored well, with no ambiguity. They must also be shared as they are refined. Copies of any engineering items produced within the system engineering digital thread leads to confusion and wasted time.
  • Maintaining the systems engineering thread is difficult as the necessary technical processes are digitalized within organizations using many software tools (among them, existing PLM solutions), each with its own file management capabilities which causes copies of requirements lists.
  • Researchers have developed ontologies that provide precise languages and standards when authoring and refining requirements, model elements, assemblies, parts, tests, and other relevant data. Computer databases can help enforce semantic clarity when an engineering item’s grammar is defined and precise. Authors can then use these solutions to author the best requirements, models, and associated datum—resulting in clear, concise, precise, and measurable information.
  • The Reuse Company (TRC) provides solutions for knowledge gathering, classifying, and sharing, quality enforcement, across many disciplines each with their own specific solutions, e.g., requirements databases, Logical Modeling, CAD, CAE, ALM, etc. TRC ensures interoperability by integrating with these solutions. They provide systems engineers with their SES ENGINEERING Studio—a platform that assures requirements, models, tests, parts, equations, and many other engineering items are authored correctly and shared in a controlled manner keeping them visible all the time.


Craig Brown – Executive Consultant at CIMdata
  • 40+ years of experience, 29 at GM, in systems engineering and
    embedded control software and the related tools needed, both in
    the automotive and aerospace industries
  • Appointed PLM Leader at General Motors in 2012 governing planning
    and execution of key PLM initiatives (Retired 2019)
  • Lead Powertrain Simulation Methods Team leading to new techniques for math-based controls & calibration, tribology modeling predictions, balancing laboratory/field/ simulation practices moving work to the left. Earned Boss Kettering Award for Remote Diagnostics Patents (US and Europe)
  • Joined the CIMdata team in 2019 – systems engineering, PLM governance, 
    various PLM consulting engagements, enterprise process modeling / execution, authoring eBooks, commentaries, and white papers. Invited PLM / MBSE speaker
  • Earned a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering and DFSS Black Belt
Craig Brown
Craig Brown
Executive Consultant at CIMdata

Juan Llorens – Professor at Carlos III University of Madrid
  • Leader of the KR Group (Knowledge Reuse Group) within the University, where he teaches different Software and Systems Engineering subjects.
  • Since 2008, based on a corporate agreement between the University and The REUSE Company, Dr. Llorens can defend TRC’s CTO role within his professorship. His current research involves the integration of semantic and systems engineering technologies for the digitalization of the system life cycle.
  • Full member of INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering), as well as past President of INCOSE Spain (AEIS). He built the INCOSE Knowledge Management and Ontologies Working group, and he is member of the Requirements Working Group. He holds a CSEP (Certified Systems Engineering Professional) accreditation and a ESEP (Expert Systems Engineering Professional).
Juan Llorens
Juan Llorens
Professor at Carlos III University of Madrid


Tuesday, January 17, 2022, 5:00 PM CET (Madrid)/ 8:00 AM PST (Los Angeles)/11:00 AM EST (Detroit)

Related Links

Enabling a Digital Thread book

Book: Enabling a digital thread approach with SES ENGINEERING Studio

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