Quality assessment for suppliers
Nowadays, very few companies develop, distribute, and sell products end-to-end. On the contrary, it’s quite common to find the supply chain approach, where many suppliers might be involved in the whole product lifecycle. This may lead to specialization, cost reduction, and scalability.
This Webinar focuses on the close communication between the OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and the Suppliers to perform quality assessment and keep track of the evolution of the quality of the supplier assets.

In a nutshell, OEMs will define the quality metrics that must be fulfilled by the different Suppliers along the supply chain. Suppliers will develop their specifications, performing also quality assessment, and will send quality reports to the OEM. With this information, the OEM tracks the quality of the different subsystems.
- Introduction to Requirements Quality along the supply chain
- The concept of Quality Certificate
- OEM viewpoint (demo):
- Defining quality metrics
- Generating a quality certificate
- Deploying quality certificates among the suppliers
- Keeping track of the quality evolution
- Supplier viewpoint (demo):
- Receiving a quality certificate from the OEM
- Performing quality assessment on a subsystem specification
- Generating quality snapshots for the OEM
- Q&A