According to many studies and surveys, requirements completeness is the most impacting factor when assessing the quality of a requirements specification.
Requirements completeness, as it is very well described in the INCOSE Guide to Writing Requirements, is a double factor:
- On the one hand, completeness for individual requirements, that is, requirements lacking a needed block such as the condition (we tend to think that every requirement is ubiquitous when it should be the exception), missing attributes or traces, actions lacking performance information, measures not including any tolerance, requirements lacking a clear subject responsible for a given action…
- On the other hand, completeness for sets of requirements where a full document is not addressing either a particular type of requirement (many times safety is overlooked), a particular stakeholder has been “ignored” thus not providing the required needs, requirements only focus on the “sunny” day and not on the “rainy” day…
This webinar will address all these potential completeness problems and show how the SES ENGINEERING Studio can detect most of them automatically.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 5:00 PM CEST (Madrid)/ 8:00 AM PDT (Los Angeles)/11:00 AM EDT (Detroit)
Thursday, April 18, 2024, 9:00 AM CEST (Madrid)/ 4:00 PM JST (Tokyo)/ 5:00 PM AEDT (Sydney)