Computer screen with the INCOSE GtWR cover: real-time quality assessment of requirements using SES ENGINEERING Studio

A practical solution to an implementation towards quality assessment and requirements writing assistance


Even though the INCOSE Guide for Writing Requirements (INCOSE GfWR – 3rd edition of June 2019) is a broadly used and recognized reference for requirement engineers all over the world, the implementation of the INCOSE Guide for Writing Requirements still poses many challenges. For example, the fact that requirements can be expressed at different levels of abstraction, the components addressed by those requirements not equal in criticality, a document might contain requirements of different types,…

The INCOSE GfWR thus requires tailoring so that its implementation could fit the project and organization needs and practices.

The proposed solution to tailor the INCOSE GfWR not only involves automated real-time quality assessment with customizable application of the rules, but also addresses the authoring phase of requirements. The aim is to reduce rework and enhance reusability while boosting the performance of requirements engineering teams.

RQA – Quality Studio® and RAT – Authoring Tools are tools of The REUSE Company’s SES ENGINEERING Studio aimed at requirements quality assessment and requirements writing assistance, respectively.

This webinar will feature a live demo of the tools using the INCOSE Requirements Guide Knowledge Library in which the rules of the INCOSE GfWR are implemented.


Wednesday February 24, 2021, 5:00 PM CET (Madrid)/ Feb 25, 1:00 AM JST (Tokyo)/ Feb 25, 3:00 AM AEDT (Sydney)/ 8:00 AM PST (Los Angeles)

Thursday February 25, 2021, 9:00 AM CET (Madrid)/ 5:00 PM JST (Tokyo)/ 7:00 PM AEDT (Sydney)/ 00:00 AM PST (Los Angeles)

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Related Links

Webinar: INCOSE Guide for Writing Requirements: real-time quality assessment of the INCOSE rules
Book: Real-time quality assessment of the INCOSE Guide for Writing Requirements rules: A tailoring guide
Webinar: A comprehensive guide on tailoring the INCOSE Guide for Writing Requirements
Library: INCOSE Requirements Guide Knowledge Library

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