MBSE podcast by Juan Llorens, Tim Weilkiens and Christian Muggeo, with a world map pinned at Spain representing the development of MBSE, including challenges and trends in the industry

Juan Llorens invited to The MBSE Podcast

Juan Llorens, professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, was invited to participate in “The MBSE Podcast”, a space created by Tim Weilkiens and Christian Muggeo, two systems engineering professionals who are passionate about all things MBSE-related.

Their podcast originated from the idea that even though there is already sufficient information regarding MBSE, (in many places and formats; explanatory videos, books, articles, etc.), nothing can compare to the enriching conversations one can have with other SE professionals during symposiums, conferences, and systems engineering get-togethers.

Therefore, besides offering explanations and more information on MBSE, Tim and Christian are constantly on the hunt for those “conference lunch-break type of conversations”. They invite experts from all over the world to discuss themselves, their experience, and obviously SE tools, methods, modeling languages, and much more.

For this episode, Juan provided information about himself, the things he observes about MBSE in Spain, and lastly, how the MBSE approach is tied up with The REUSE Company’s tools.

MBSE in Spain?

Being a country that is 20% industry-oriented, it’s no surprise that MBSE is still a work in progress in Spain. Nonetheless, the country has a strong capacity in design and production, which, therefore, proves that there is a strong space for disciplines and approaches like MBSE to grow.

Episode 27 of The MBSE Podcast focuses on covering this topic and with the help of Juan, takes listeners on the Spanish tour ride answering the following set of questions:

  • Can you give us an overview of the typical engineering disciplines or industries in Spain and which of those already use MBSE?
  • Do you know how well is MBSE used in these industries?
  • Are there more systems engineers than jobs or is the other way around?
  • Are there organizations in Spain, annual symposiums, and workshops that have an MBSE approach?
  • Is there training available for certifications, such as SEP, or CSEP? *(Spoiler, Spain is the 9th country in the world with SEP certified professionals and 4th in CSEPs)*
  • What are the most used UML, and SYSML tools in Spain?
  • What are the typical challenges of applying MBSE in Spain? 

If you’re interested in learning how MBSE is doing in Spain, we highly recommend listening to this podcast episode, you’ll see that Juan is quite the catch for entertaining conversations!

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