Verification, validation and quality
The ISO 15288 clearly defines what must be done when performing Verification and Validation processes. We must use and manage verification actions and collect evidences. But how should we do it? How to integrate them all in one environment? How to delegate V&V to specialized tools for specific work-products? How to deal with interoperability? This webinar intends to provide insight for these kind of questions.
Systems Engineering makes clear distinction between verification, validation and quality assurance processes. Verification is usually connected with the notion of “developing the system right” (setting the focus on performing SE properly). On the other hand, validation is described as “developing the right system,” making a SOI that meets the stakeholders needs. Both concepts are connected with the notion of quality assurance and management. Verification confirms that the quality is adequate, and Validation confirms that the system maps with correct functions and properties, as a kind of quality issue. Quality Assurance, when applied to product evaluations, helps to prevent incidents and problems.
As part of its knowledge reuse approach, The Reuse Company has created the V&V Studio as a software tool ready to provide support to the ISO15288 V&V processes by using (and reusing) information from RQA – QUALITY Studio and the Ontology. The V&V Studio merges the three concepts (Verification, Validation and Quality) and offers V&V by managing the corresponding verification and validation actions through quality and other measures. It uses the concept of metrics and quality functions to verify all kinds of work-products, as well as providing evidences management.
- A brief introduction to The REUSE Company and the Systems Engineering Suite
- What to do when V&V according to ISO 15288
- The main challenges for efficient V&V processes
- Connecting V&V with Quality assessment
- Main capabilities of V&V Studio
- Live demo
- Q&A
Tuesday January 26, 2021, 5:00 PM CET (Madrid)/ Jan 27 1:00 AM JST (Tokyo)/ Jan 27 3:00 AM AEDT (Sydney)/ 8:00 AM PDT (Los Angeles)
Thursday January 28, 2021, 9:00 AM CET (Madrid)/ 5:00 PM JST (Tokyo)/ 7:00 PM AEDT (Sydney)/ 00:00 AM PDT (Los Angeles)