A journey towards Model Based System Engineering
Upon landing in Mexico, Conquistador Hernán Cortés famously ordered his men to “burn the boats”. For the same reasons, our journey towards Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) will require the burning of the specification “document boats” used to house and transport the most important artifacts; i.e. the declarations of Stakeholder Needs and System Requirements. No doubt, prior to burning the boats, Cortés had to commit to benefits great enough to obtain the resources required to succeed. Analogous planning must be done to embark on a MBSE expedition that includes transformations in Requirements Management. To this end, this presentation will offer a benefits analysis and realization plan (in the form of a metamodel & tool demo) that may be useful in planning your MBSE expedition.
The presenter, Bob Sherman, is an Enterprise Architect for Systems Engineering at a multinational company. He will talk about how to tailor our Systems Engineering Suite tools to the MBSE particular use case of his company.