TRC Forum 2017
The REUSE Company Forum
TRC Forum 2017
When: Nov 30 – Dec 1, 2017
Where: Leganés (Madrid), Spain
Interoperability within Knowledge Centric Systems Engineering
The focus will be on:
- Interoperability between Requirements & Models
- Quality Management solutions along the V-Model
The REUSE Company will officially present the latest version of the tools, V18, formed by:
- The System Quality Analyzer (SQA) – Evolution of the RQA
- The System Authoring Tool (SAT) for MBSE – Evolution of the RAT
- The System Interoperability Platform (SIP) – (NEW)
- The System Knowledge Manager (SKM) – Evolution of KM
We´ll make live demos and presentations about the new features of our products.
During the Conference, 30 November – 1 December, you will have the key role. The relevant issues of the meeting will be:
- Customers and Users will share experiences and use cases
- Partners will share experiences and best practices
- Users will meet TRC Engineers and project managers
- TRC will present Research topics and Research projects
- Common gathering of ideas and needs for the next versions of our products
- Potential customers will merge with TRC staff, customers and partners

The three days before the conference, 27 – 29 November, we will offer training and tutorial sessions. During these days, you have the possibility to learn our technology, upskill and improve your efficiency.

In collaboration with