A smarter way to digitalize your Systems Engineering

Main features
- Universal Connectivity to external SE Tools
- Complete MBSE integration
- Technical Management Digitalization for all the information managed by the tools in your ecosystem:
- Quality analysis, V&V, Universal Traceability, Configuration Management, Decision Management, Knowledge Management, etc.
- Semantic Interoperability Hub and Synchronized Source of Truth
- Complete Project Workflow Management based on the tools integration
- MBRE: Full integration of Requirements and Natural Language texts in the MBSE approach by using Semantic Analysis and AI.

Test yourself! If you answer YES to at least one of the following questions, we have the solution for you:
Do you have to deal with a large and heterogeneous ecosystem of Systems Engineering SW Tools for developing your products?
Would you like to smoothly reuse and evolve the skills and experience of your engineers avoiding huge investments for learning new tools?
Would you like to manage the development of your product/project by connecting in a workflow the existing SE tools you already have?
Would you like to provide Technical Management Support (quality, CM, Traceability, V&V, etc.) to any output (requirements, logical models, manuals, test cases, etc.) from your current ecosystem of SE Tools?
Would you like your ecosystem of SE tools to be transformed into a Smart Systems Engineering framework?
Taming your ecosystem of heterogeneous SE tools
SES ENGINEERING Studio is a software tool designed to orchestrate the development of all kinds of systems (hardware, hybrid, software). It allows interoperability between an unlimited number of existing Systems Engineering tools (Requirements Management Systems, MBSE tools, Simulation tools, Risks Management, RAMS Management, MS Office, etc.).
For example, you can edit your requirements from IBM DOORS, connect them with Atlassian Jira, change your models in Dassault Systèmes CAMEO based on simulations in Modelica, generate models in Capella from requirements in Siemens Teamcenter or convert Microsoft Word into a professional Requirements Engineering tool.Central Repository for Managing Configurations, Versions, Traces, Quality, etc.
Even if the selected SE tools at your side take care of their information (IBM DOORS, DS Cameo, Thales Capella, etc..) it is usually necessary to integrate them all, control changes, or define versions for the different work products (requirements, model elements, diagrams, circuits, etc.), trace among them, define configurations, manage their risks, evaluate their quality, etc.
SES ENGINEERING Studio takes care of all these needs managing this information in its central repository.
Interoperability within the Ecosystem of SE Tools
Usually, every SE tool is proficient in managing the information it has been designed to work with. For example, a Requirements Management System (RMS) is best suited to manage requirements. But, when you want to transform or operate with the work products of a SE tool to produce, affect or connect with the work products of another tool, real interoperability problems arise. SES ENGINEERING Studio offers you a framework for defining your interoperability transformations & operations, tailored to your own needs.
Do you want to generate test cases from requirements? Would you like to connect models with functions in Microsoft Excel for simulation purposes? Would you like to automatically discover traces between the customer documents and the user manuals of your products? All those challenges and many more can be defined and configured in SES ENGINEERING Studio.

SES ENGINEERING Studio Connectors
SES ENGINEERING Studio as a Plugin

Reusing Skills and Capabilities
By enabling the organization and structuring of the SE tools ecosystem within an organization into a Project Workflow Manager, you will be able to reuse knowledge skills and company investments. By integrating the SE tools into modern & consolidated product development capabilities, your company will make a more efficient use of the tools.
Evolving SE tools and skills when it is necessary and in a smooth way
You can seamlessly plan the replacement of a SE tool with a more modern or adaptable one without losing the information produced and allowing maturity to grow with minimum investments.
Creating Life Cycle Templates
According to the ISO 15288 Standard, a specific Life cycle Management process must be considered when developing a project. SES ENGINEERING Studio has been designed to enable the creation and instantiation of Project workflows and templates. Using them allows the organization of knowledge regarding the different stages and dependencies all engineers must follow to assure a successful product development.
A template is defined by connecting to SE tools, establishing dependencies between them, creating folders to organize them and configuring decision gates to manage the flow between them.
Managing Projects using a Workflow of SE Tools Outputs
By instantiating templates, the corresponding engineering team can define the actual project structure to be followed reusing previous experiences. It is a wonderful example of knowledge reuse. Once inside a project, the project manager can follow the evolution of the situation by controlling progress, using quality, V&V, traceability, and time, effort & resources.
On the other hand, project engineers can follow the availability guidance provided by the predefined workflow (for example, you can work on System Requirements and Functional Architecture in parallel but not define the detailed design of the engine until having successfully passed a decision gate). These engineers can work on the actual engineering items (requirements, models, etc.) and provide the means to calculate the quality, versions, etc.
Automating and digitalizing decision gates evidence
Every decision gate can be assigned a verification action, where the engineers can digitally manage the necessary evidence verification to make a decision (for example the answers within a checklist). The verification action can be configured to perform an automatic calculation of the evidence, as well as suggest an automatic proposal for a result (the engineer will always have the last word to accept or not the provided evidence).
Integrating Quality, V&V, Traceability, Authoring, CM and Risk Management
SES ENGINEERING Studio has been designed to include all the existing Technical Management SE tools already commercialized by The REUSE Company. Therefore, RQA – QUALITY Studio, V&V Studio, RAT – AUTHORING Tool, and TRACEABILITY Studio, together with the Configuration Management, Risk Management, Decision Management, Information Management, and Knowledge Management, form now the CORE of SES ENGINEERING Studio functionalities.
Transforming your Systems Engineering Tools Ecosystem into a Professional Project Workflow Management Framework
By offering full connectivity (managing source content from SES ENGINEERING Studio, minimizing the impact of a particular SE tool in the system life cycle, allowing interoperability between tools, and providing a system development workflow on top of different tools), your SE tools ecosystem will be integrated and transformed into a professional System Development Management environment.
In some cases (desktop & online applications) SES ENGINEERING Studio can be included inside a particular SE tool (Microsoft Office, Capella, CAMEO Systems Modeller, etc. and provide all SE capabilities from inside.
Artificial Intelligence and Ontologies
SES ENGINEERING Studio relies on the experience of The REUSE Company working with Artificial Intelligence and Ontologies. By using machine learning strength, the engineers receive support to make decisions, write requirements smartly, assess quality automatically, generate trace suggestions, or even V&V proposals.
Powerful Engineering Environment
Complex and complicated projects need proper environments to work in. An engineer has so many processes to take care of at the same time, with so many dependencies, so many trace links, so many decisions, and so little help. SES ENGINEERING Studio allows engineers to organize their digital environments as they wish. Do you have 2 monitors? 3 monitors? even more? Great. SES ENGINEERING Studio will fill them with different windows containing any information you want to work with within one sight. Any changes will be automatically propagated in real time to the other windows accordingly.

RQA - QUALITY Management Capability

V&V Management Capability


KM - KNOWLEDGE Management

TRACEABILITY Management Capability