Release Notes
Last updates and new versions of the Systems Engineering Suite
Final releases
Each release note will tell you what’s new in each version, and will also describe any backwards-incompatible changes made in that version.
Version 23.4.1 Release 1 / March 17, 2025
March 17 2025
- Bugfixing
- Added missing libraries on RQA Batch standalone installer
- Improvements:
- Improvements on KMO installer
- Bugfixing:
- RQA Batch cannot connect to a project when having two connections to different projects in the same server
- BugFixing:
- Remove redundant views from impact report in MS Excel
- Rename import button to refresh for the trace connector
- Change available trace kind to only asymmetric kinds
- Refresh content view after saving a new traceability module
SES Plugins
- Bugfixing:
- Fixed unable to connect to a Cameo project
- Improvements:
- Fixed editing a rich column changed the configured viewer
- Fixed error in the process of deleting and reordering multiple columns
- Fixed problem when deleting or reordering columns with the same name
- Fixed error when uploading content view zone B without columns
- Fixed loss of selected item when changing views
- Fixed incorrect view name when importing multiple times
- Fixed error when changing the configuration of visible zones in a view
- Fixed error when deleting a shared connection and refresh it appears again
- Fixed error selecting a permission level for a role
- Fixed error for password with quotation marks failing using SQLServer database
- Fixed problem where SES visual codes were not generated appropriately when executing interoperabilities
- Fixed crash when there is no active connection in SES Server
- Fixed SES is not responsive when the communication with the server is not successful
- New features:
- Allow multiple column order changes
Decision Management
- BugFixing:
- Fixed duplicated window displays from single GUIDisplayer
- Fixed Export and Import workflows not working properly
- BugFixing:
- Fixed HTML description processing error
- Fixed incorrect HTML format in description coming from interoperability
- Fixed state problems in Polarion Connector
- Fixed empty description being set with Name value for new SysML elements
- [Capella] – Fixed writing support for additional attributes from VP Requirements plugin
- [Capella] Fixed issue doing Generic Interoperability between Doors and Capella
- [Cameo] – Fixed active project handling in Cameo to prevent inconsistencies
- [Cameo] Fixed connecting to a Cameo project from SES is not opening the project
- [MagicDraw] Fixed unable to load mode content due to no response from the application
- [Rhapsody] Fixed error when opening a Rhapsody connection
- [Jira] Select the project in the grid automatically in Edit Configuration
- [PDF] Fixed problems with filters when not matching
- [PDF] Fixed VisualCode only assigned to the first work product
- [PDF] Fixed connection configuration provoking exception when connecting
- [RP] Fixed new work product with empty description gets differences after refreshing
- [DOORS] Attribute resources not able to retrieve custom attributes
- [DOORS] – Fixed state problems
- [EA] Show RAT window for new requirements in Connections with mocked modules
- [EA] Create requirement customized from Module of requirements
- [EA & Rhapsody] Include support for representing type in EA and Rhapsody
- [DNG] & [Batch] Fixed errors when trying to launch batch on a DNG connection
- [DNG] Assessment not saved in modules
- [DNG] Update state consistency error after editing a work product with RAT
- [DNG] Fixed error when saving new requirements with MonoSelectionEnum properties
- Improvements
- Fixed description saving error when calculating quality
- Fixed naming and customization of relationship types in Knowledge Interfaces
- New Features
- [Cameo] Enable Auxiliary Resource Management in Connection Configuration
- Don’t show Description field for new elements in SysML when using assistance
- [EA] Include only Class and Requirement options in new work product window
- BugFixing:
- Fixed filter types
- Fixed filter stereotypes
- Fixed Visual Code
- Improvements:
- Filtering of displayed properties
- Removal of the default assignment for Capella connections
- BugFixing:
- Fixed context restriction not stored the first time
- Fixed Create/Revert baseline causes duplication
- Button “Load baseline” says “baseline not found”
- Fixed KM Validation rules displaying rules from other databases
- Fixed pattern group filter not working
- [KMO] Fixed infinite loop when serializing breadcrumb property
- Fixed tooltip patterns not refreshing when updating pattern information
- [KMO] Fixed incorrect software version in Info tab
- Fixed missing selected icon within the “Other view” dropdown
- Improvements:
- Improved performance when opening KM
RAT API/Extension
- BugFixing:
- Fixed patterns not appearing, required “ALL” group
- [RAT Web Extension] Fixed line break removal when editing with RAT
- Improvements
- Added scroll to live matching pattern (ES-5718)
- [RAT API] Hide Save without format using cookie configuration (ES-5717)
- [RAT API] Added support for tables and images (ES-4788)
Reports System
- BugFixing:
- Fixed refreshing images, tables, and revise index content
- Fixed error in Document Generator when including links
- Fixed no report generation when a traceability module was previously selected
- Fixed linking templates with work products
- Fixed error using general structure in templates
- Fixed custom attributes edition window not staying on top
- Fixed importing a template with an existing name
- Improvements:
- Improve printing of repetitive groups
- Filter configuration changed to combobox for boolean properties
- Change used properties windows to allow adding new features
- Adaptation to include module reference in templates
- New Features:
- Create a contextual menu button in the document view to generate a report
- Add the ability to create a chart from a list property
Version 23.4 Release 1 / December 19, 2024
19 December 2024
- Improvements:
- Added service port for SES license service in SES Server installer
- Added message to ask the user if install kuromoji in SES ENGINEERING Studio Stand-alone
- BugFixing:
- Fixed problem getting the verification or validation actions after assigning a template to several blocks/modules
- Fixed problem with V&V-specific properties propagation from block template to their actions
- Fixed problem with license consumption when viewing snapshots
- Improvements:
- Improved V&V Evolution view reaction when the module selection changes
- Added state columns to the V&V grid
- New features:
- New import from MS Excel file with property mappings and V&V result based on conditions
- New option to set PBS to all V.A for a work product
- Bugfixing:
- Several UI fixes in Configuration
- Fixed problem getting the quality metrics for a work product after assigning a metric set to several blocks/modules
- Fixed problem using several licenses when copying metric templates between different databases
- Fixed problem creating a new work product using authoring and there are no quality metrics assigned
- Fixed problem computing the consistency metric in the cases where permission to custom code was not set in the security module
- Fixed the problem of not showing the quality function tooltips in the RAT edition window
- Improvements:
- Bulk metric template assignment to several blocks/modules
- Improved metrics template assignment performance
- Added state columns to the quality grid
- Synchronization of block/module selection with project configuration
- Improvement in quality reports adding most important and less important information
- New features:
- Changed retrieval configuration UI from overlapping metrics
- BugFixing:
- Import traces change to Bulk
- The problem between refresh connectors and Traceability
- Impact Analysis did not work with suspect traces
- Fix Windows resolutions when OS Zoom is applied
- Suspect analysis with traces suggested was not refreshing the state
- Improvements:
- Improves with the UI
- Added templates for suggestion algorithms
- Now we permit several external modules on traceability
- Improvements in notifications when removed items
- New features:
- Trace Connector to Cameo
- Trace connector global import
- Trace connector EA
- ZigZag algorithm for interop with models and requirements
- BugFixing:
- Improvements:
- Improvements in property selector for Columns Management
- Restructured Content Manager context menu
- New features:
- Added SES ENGINEERING Studio Server capable of sharing connections with another SES ENGINEERING Studio over the network
- Added functionality for creating columns in batch
- Added view management window and CRUD operations
- Added Export and Import view operations
- Modified the behavior of the Delete Content functionality to allow the deletion of more configurations
Decision Management
- BugFixing:
- Stabilized model container type changing for diverse types of execution: direct vs indirect (genetic algorithm)
- Multiple small refreshing issues in various boxes’ configuration controls
- New workflows no longer disappear on refreshes
- Other minor bugfixes for better stability
- Improvements:
- The Reflection parameters window improved and now recovers former configurations
- Workflows can be linked to other workflows
- Refinements in term discovery (text indexing) algorithm
- Adapted terminology selection window to match the new changes in the text indexing algorithm and include multiple tabs for different techniques
- GUI displayers can remember former configurations
- Refinements in AHP algorithm and configuration controls
- Separated GUI displayer controls in another project for clarity
- Included more data exporting options for the data table visualization control
- Improved interface and support for external AI algorithm libraries
- New features:
- Displayable windows: Semantic patterns selector, AHP criteria, and alternatives
- Configuration controls: semantic patterns
- Included and refined Analytic Hierarchy Process multicriteria decision algorithm
- Support for universal reports in interpreter
- BugFixing:
- Resolved synchronization issues for elements and states marked as “updated” in Rhapsody, Cameo, and EA
- Fixed issues when renaming elements in requirements.
- Corrected the refresh error in the Rhapsody connector
- Resolved errors in Polarion when attachments exist in work items, but are not referenced
- Improvements:
- Enhanced loading times for already synchronized elements in the repository
- New features:
- New SES Remote connector capable of connecting to another SES ENGINEERING Studio running SES ENGINEERING Studio Server
- Ability to manage additional columns in the Excel connector
- Added support for additional attributes in Polarion
- Option to enable detailed logging in the Cameo connector
- Support for SysML/UML realization relationships in Cameo, EA, and Rhapsody
- Added read and write support for pointer properties in Cameo Connector, including ports, parameters, types, etc.
- BugFixing:
- Fixed interoperability issues with textual elements of RTF and HTML types
- Rows in the metaclass tab (Type in source transformations) no longer display the same information in all columns
- Fixed creating traces using the Create Root Elements check in mapped items
- Fixed state in source for Interoperability in synchronization mode
- Improvements:
- Revamped genetic interoperability configuration control (v2)
- Refactoring of some tabs and columns in generic interoperability configuration control for better clarity
- Allow the creation of traces in a specific Traceability Project
- Create and use the source identifier only when the Allow Round Trip Search option is checked
- New features:
- Creation of structures in the target. It can be created with or without filtering.
- Negative filters
- Filters based on children’s conditions
- Possibility of executing custom functionality before or after merging operation (external libraries)
- Possibility of creating items between others being transformed to the target.
- Possibility of setting as root target element a dynamically generated structure
- Transforming to composition
- Supported Interoperability with mocked requirements modules
- Support custom functions for performing interoperability
- Limitations:
- Interoperability is not supported in Word Plugin when the target is the Active Document
- BugFixing:
- Fixed window: pattern used by
- Fixed context restriction in patterns with terms from a Knowledge Interface
- Fixed context restriction in patterns when there are several RSHPs in the same pattern position
- Fixed empty substitute in Normalization Rule window
- Fixed bug with floating windows (top left button) in KM
- Fixed error “Syntaxis could not be validated” through the pattern creation windows
- Fixed functionality bugs in Tokenization, Normalize, and Disambiguation rules
- Fixed-size icons in several KM windows
- Fixed copy-to functionality when copy patterns
- Improvements:
- Tree view for patterns in the patterns grid window
- Avoid recursive pattern
RAT API/Extension
- BugFixing:
- Suggestion component fixed
- Relocate the cursor before calculating the quality
- Installer Windows auth and https fixed
- Improvements:
- Improved routing
- Added feedback before suggestions
- Improvement of quality calculation performance
- Upgraded to Net 7
- Added tooltips
- New features:
- Added Services log
- BugFixing for MS Word:
- Visual identifiers’ memory management improved
- Fixed error in saving elements when the document is stored in the database
- Improved Date values when the document is stored in the database
- Several bugfixes to improve stability and performance
- The insertion of images in the content of the requirements has been fixed
- Improvements for MS Word:
- Removed unnecessary reads of the document if it is not modified
- Improved connection performance when the document is being parsed
- Improvements in reading documents with many sections
- Improvements in parsing structures determined by regular expressions
- Added better compatibility with tables inside Requirements
- New Features for MS Word:
- Remove refresh functionality when the active document is the one connected through the MS Word Plugin
- Added Alerts Viewer in Plugin mode
- Added mixed Standard and Alerts Viewer in Plug-in mode
Reports System
- BugFixing:
- Fixed problems when retrieving information from Traceability
- Fixed problems with DateTime converters
- Fixed interlock problems
- Fixed problems with generating reports with images
- Improvements:
- Improve performance
- Change the extension of exported reports from .zip to .urspkg
- Improve string filters
- Improve tables of content management
- New features:
- New property in reports that display string properties in the form of a list
- Generate a report and save it in docx format directly
- Create reports which show changes between baselines
- Add the posibility to use filters in custom attributes
Version 23.3 Release 1 / March 15, 2024
15 March 2024
- New features:
- Included V&V Action history with different capabilities.
- New manual method to evaluate V&V.
- Include work-product V&V summary in the grid.
- Improvements:
- Enhanced performance with matrix.
- BugFixing:
- Several UI fixes in literals, browser, and dashboard.
- Several fixes in the interoperability using function connectors.
- New features:
- Configuration available in SES ENGINEERING Studio and no longer available in SES Server.
- Quality certificate is available.
- MSBE metrics about traceability added.
- Improvements:
- Performance improvements.
- Bugfixing:
- Several UI fixes in configuration.
- New features:
- New connector to traces from the source tools, to synchronize with the traces in the SKB. So far implemented in DOORS only.
- Generation of Traceability Reports with Word.
- New Traceability Matrix.
- Improvements:
- Open involved Connections from Traceability Module load.
- Pattern Matching algorithms work now with AND or OR statements.
- BugFixing:
- Pattern Matching algorithm not detecting sub-patterns bug fixed.
- New features:
- The possibility of managing security permissions on individual elements such as traceability modules, traceability projects, or workflows, among others, is allowed.
- Improvements:
- Improved usability for security permission management.
- Security Manager efficiency improved.
- Improvements to Workproduct Binding module (CRUD operations).
- Improved execution of column sorting in the Content Manager.
- Improved navigation between Content Managers.
- Visual changes in the Attribute manager.
- Visual changes to improve comprehension in Attribute Glossary Synchronisation.
- Bugfixing:
- Known errors in Security Manager permission assignment fixed.
- Correction of general errors in the Attribute Glossary module.
Configuration Management
- New features:
- New Change Control process implemented.
- All the traceability information in the individual versions is included so that it’s available for computing differences in traces afterward.
- The Impact Analysis from the Change Control process is included.
- Improvements:
- Improved Change Request process in Word.
- BugFixes:
- Several bug fixes to improve stability and performance.
Decision Management
- New features:
- A new architecture was implemented to use the Workflow in more components in SES.
- Inclusion of new algorithms: bio-inspired genetic algorithms and text indexation algorithms.
- Inclusion of new functionality to visualize and configure living information during workflow executions through creating customizable windows.
- Improvements:
- Security permissions were added to the Workflow and diagrams.
- Improved visualization of the workflow.
- General usability improved.
- The range of compatible source connectors was amplified to gather execution data.
- Execution is now done in the background, while letting the user know its status/progress and be able to interrupt it when desired.
- BugFixing:
- Several bug fixes to improve stability and performance.
- New features:
- New connector to DOORS Next.
- New connector to Helix ALM.
- New connector to PDF.
- Additional attributes for MBSE tool connectors such as Rhapsody, Capella, Cameo, and Enterprise Architect.
- Additional attributes for Doors Next Generation.
- Improvements:
- Codeabeamer loading speedup.
- The connectors’ splash screen is shown after requesting credentials when opening.
- Bugfixing:
- Codebeamer connector saving after moving the HTML2Wiki function.
- New features:
- Support Operations in Generic Transformation.
- Support Stereotypes Assignation in Generic Transformation.
- Support Additional attributes from the source and glossary in Generic Transformation.
- Support for assigning values to properties in Generic Transformation.
- Support Expansion and collapse in Generic Transformation Tree GUI.
- Support for the creation of explicit relationships from the implicit ones in Generic Transformation.
- Support import/export configuration in Generic Transformation.
- Support duplicate mappings in Generic Transformation.
- Support automatic traceability in Generic Transformation.
- Support filter by type in source in Generic Transformation Tree GUI.
- Support create properties in Generic Transformation.
- Support reflection in Generic Transformation.
- Improvements:
- The description of SysML to Arcadia transformation was updated.
- The security operation for Generic Transformation was updated.
- Improved notification of the graphical interface.
- Improved performance in Interoperability execution.
- Multiple deletions are allowed in Interoperability.
- Bugfixing:
- Fixed bug in properties mapping in Generic Transformation.
- The saving error with trace creation settings was fixed.
- Fixed edit and delete in Custom Metaclasses in Generic Transformation.
- GUI text in Generic Transformation was fixed.
- Fixed bug moving forward and backward in Interoperability.
- A bug in Capella in the Interoperability process was fixed.
- Fixed bug in Filter Window in Generic Transformation.
- Bug loading information was fixed.
- Fixed bug in append Interoperability.
- Stereotype conditions in Generic Transformation were fixed.
- Fixed bug in Export SysML Requirements to textual source in Interoperability.
- Fixed bug executing interoperability between different modules in the same connection.
- Fixed bug in Synchronize requirements between two modules in Interoperability.
- Fixed bug in Workproduct Binding Window.
- Fixed bug in Binding Attribute Selector Window.
- A bug in the Functional Transformation Window was fixed.
- A bug in the Binding Editor Window was fixed.
- Fixed duplicated elements between Capella and Cameo after executing Interoperability.
- Diagram transformation in Generic Transformation was fixed.
- Fixed Append Content Operation from Word Add-in.
- New features:
- The concept of “Quarantined term” when the term is still pending to be resolved in a suggestion was added.
- Improvements:
- Improvements in the information/properties extraction window.
- Hierarchy view for patterns and pattern groups.
- BugFixing:
- Several bug fixes to improve stability and performance.
RAT API/Extension
- New features:
- A brand new product, the RAT API extension, is available in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.
- Brand new API to be installed as a service.
- Improvements:
- Connects to a configurable URL from SES automatically.
- Terms, patterns, and RSHP suggestions were added.
- A “Matching pattern elements” view was added.
- BugFixing:
- Visualization problem in some webs fixed.
- New features:
- MS Word:
- Added Regex support for advanced work-product identification.
- Complex paragraph management (By using regular expressions).
- Save external DLLs in the database.
- Treat tables as a single unit.
- Finder of work-products identifier inside the text.
- Improvements:
- MS Word:
- Improved performance in the Word plugin and standalone connector.
- Improved ways to work in collaborative mode (Adding new controls and modifications if the document is opened in another shared drive).
- BugFixing:
- Several bug fixes to improve stability and performance.
- Solved multi-line issues.
Reports System
- New features:
- Charts Multiseries.
- Filter by attribute values in repetitive groups.
- Report types for Life Cycle.
- Add the capability to edit a template for a specific module or work product.
- New capability to iterate in Traceability items (SourceItem and TargetItem, offering the possibility to add all their attributes within the loops for repeating sections).
- Converters for quality attributes (Quality Stars).
- Improvements:
- The user interface usability and performance were improved.
- BugFixing:
- Adding tables to a repetitive group by selecting it.
- The Pareto chart is now showing as a chart, not an image.
- Removed buttons from the traceability tab.
- The table of contents was not shown properly.
- Minor user interface bugs.
Version 23.2 Release 2-3 / October 30, 2023
30 October 2023
- Improvements:
- Support the version of the element referenced in the verification actions.
- Support the removal of the corresponding versions of the verification actions.
- Improvement in different windows showing both Plain and Rich Text.
- BugFixing:
- Fixed the Difference Window.
- Improvements:
- Removed quality outdated column indicator.
- Bugfixing:
- Fixed icon style in the metric template.
- Fixed quality stars.
- Improvements:
- From v23.2.2:
- Added more error-checking
- Improvement in logs that the SES generates.
- Improvement visual refresh.
- Included tab in SES Ribbon for PLE.
- Support property creation on the target connection during interoperability
- Bugfixing:
- Fixed styles for big icons.
- Fixed library icons.
- Fixed bug in serialization
- From v23.2.2:
- Bug fixes in the attribute management module.
- Correction of errors in the configuration of the connection view.
- Controlled the behavior of the Edit and Delete options when there are no elements to act on in Attribute management.
- Improvements:
- Support Collaboration elements for SysML connections (except Capella).
- Improvements in creating diagrams.
- Support the creation of extra worksheets in the Jira Issue.
- Support new report generation.
- Bugfixing:
- Fixed export Excel with metadata from Doors
- Fixed the Kind of the Event element for SysML connections.
- Fixed application of stereotypes in Cameo.
- Fixed bug editing multivaluated attributes.
- Fixed creation sequence diagrams.
- From v23.2.2:
- Fixed creation of diagrams without Type Property
- Improvements:
- Support to the extraction of requirements in simulated modules through configuration.
- Support the creation of explicit relationships from implicit relationships.
- Support export and import of generic interoperability.
- From v23.2.2:
- Creation of relationships from implicit compositions.
- Container object migration support.
- Functionality in the Generic Interoperability that Import and Export the Configuration to file.
- Bugfixing:
- Fixed creation properties for enums.
- Fixed duplicated elements in merge operation.
- Fixed merge only diagrams.
- Fixed save generic interoperability.
- Fixed Scroll Viewer in generic interoperability.
- Fixed load in generic interoperability.
- Fixed merge with elements with the same name.
- From v23.2.2:
- Fixed errors in the Filter view of the Generic Interoperability functionality.
- Improvements:
- Improved performance when generating libraries.
- Improvements in the Import Terms Window.
- Bugfixing:
- Fixed import and export terms to Excel.
Version 23.2 Release 1 / September 22, 2023
22 September 2023
- BugFixing: Solved problems in SES Studio installer caused by Word components
- BugFixing: Fixed issues with SES ENGINEERING Studio Word Plugin installer registry keys
- Improvements: Added new window in the connector installer to add support for different versions of Capella (5, 6, 6.1)
SES Plugins
- BugFixing: Fixed existing problem when deleting all SES information in a Word document, now the associated connection is deleted
- BugFixing: Fixed problems in database tables for SQL Server
- Fixed an issue in active directory configuration when creating a new security rule
- Improved compatibility between textual formats
- Modified the descriptions and identifiers of the elements presented in change requests module to a more user-friendly view
- Removed windows with unnecessary messages
- Added support for new data types
- Corrections to the default view of the content manager
- BugFixing: Fixed problem with saving new items and modified items in Doors
- BugFixing: Resolved backward compatibility problems with connectors from previous versions
- BugFixing: Fixed problem in CAMEO with the creation of diagrams
- BugFixing: Error with elements of type “interaction” resolved in CAMEO
- BugFixing: Fixed internal problem connecting to Word in specific circumstances
- BugFixing: Removed line breaks in element names in connections to Rhapsody
- BugFixing: Fixed problem about reconnect a capella model after saving
- BugFixing: Fixed PTC Windchill connector type
- Improvements: New converters between different textual formats
- Improvements: Added Support to versions Capella 5 & Capella 6 & 6.1
- Improvements: Changes and improvements to the graphical interface of icons and grids
- Improvements: Improvement of the graphical interface of attribute management
- Improvements: Improved stability in extracting content from Word documents
- BugFixing: Fixed errors binding windows
- Improvements: Eliminated unnecessary operations that generate performance problems
- BugFixing: Withdrawal functions for importing terms from Word and PDF
- BugFixing: Fixed minor problem with executing custom rules
Version 23.2 Release 0 / August 30, 2023
30 August 2023
- Bugfixing: refresh problems in result, enabling fields on editing or filling, checklist saving, terminology unification and more
- Improvements: quality and V&V separation
- Bugfixing: block properties dialog, overlapping metric configuration, replacing synonyms case sensitive and more
- Improvements: include manual quality comment in report, moving quality level configuration from SES Server to SES Engineering Studio
- Improvements: UI design and information
SES Plugins
- Bugfixing: typo in RAT for Capella configuration, deleting description in Word Plugin, changes after revert in Word plugin and more
- Improvements: new licenses for SES plugins: lite and full
Configuration Management
- Fixes and general improvements in the Configuration Management processes
- Bugfixing: Diff window information, access level management, overlapping configuration UI adjustments, Security UI adjustments and more
- Improvements: New icons, new edit binding option, new interoperability feature license, enabling hyperlinks in RTF/HML editor and more
- Bugfixing: Enterprise Architect, Capella, Excel, Doors, Word
- Improvements: new PDF connector, new Visual Studio connector
- Improvements: new Generic Transformation
Version 18.5 Release 1 / September 14, 2021
14 September 2021
- Improved start-up time when connected to DOORS repositories
- Improved RAT edition window assess time while authoring requirements.
- Improved start-up time when connected to DOORS repositories
- Improved RAT edition window assess time while authoring requirements.
Version 18.5 Release 0 / March 10, 2021
10 March 2021
- Allowed to choose MS Excel with macro files (xlsm).
- Improved parsing from Cameo files: File parsing capabilities expanded to include more Cameo elements, and improved processing times.
- Improved performance while loading Capella models.
- Included new Enterprise Architect connector
- New product branding: logos and icons.
- Improvements in UI experiences specially in RAT edition window.
- Improved English and Spanish localization.
- Removed Custom Correctness Chart feature.
- Improved overlapping / missing link metrics when dealing with:
- Synonyms
- Compound terms
- Formalizing numbers as “generic number”
- Fixed the following bugs:
- Fixed Word report creation error.
- Fixed Snapshot creation error.
- Fixed DOORS help error.
- Fixed requirement suggestion error.
- Fixed problem with correctness metrics based on pattern (Complex pattern).
- Fixed Completeness – Relationship coverage configuration bug:
- The cancel button was not working as expected.
- Improvements in the requirement edition window:
- Improved layout saving.
- Added a Quality tabs option in View menu, to hide and show tabs.
- Removed tabs: Requirement original data, Patterns information.
- Added messages for disabled tabs.
- Disabled manual quality suggestions for new requirements.
- Fixed the following bugs in the requirement edition window:
- Fixed requirements with associated baseline deletion error.
- Fixed HTML marking error.
- Unified behaviors in all the RAT plugins in terms of on-the-fly metric assessment.
- Fixed error when creating new requirements in setting authoring pattern group / authoring pattern using RAT connected on top of DOORS.
RAT plugins
- RAT plugin for Word and RAT plugin for Excel re-branding and renaming.
- Consistency and Completeness tabs now are available in Word plugin.
- Remark: Only showing Consistency metrics that check requirements against the ontology, not against other requirements, e.g.,
- properties consistency metrics will appear.
- overlapping requirements will not appear.
- Removed Traces
- Removed useless Save and continue button in RAT plugin for Word and RAT plugin for Excel.
- Fixed error in DOORS plugin when generating the Quality View.
- Remark: Only showing Consistency metrics that check requirements against the ontology, not against other requirements, e.g.,
RAT widget for DNG
- Improved integration with DNG API
- Improved autocomplete functionality.
- Several fixed in the authoring with patterns.
- New features:
- Multi-select traces and perform accept/reject all suggestions.
- Prioritize trace details and attributes over formalization/semantic distance/similarity.
- On requirements details prioritize another tab with information about the requirements itself over the formalization. Information like: Author, Creation Date, Source ID, URI, etc.
- Further details on the similarity among requirements.
- “All selected” feature implemented for the following options: “Remove traces”, “Remove suggested traces”, “Removed suspect”, “Accept suspects”, “Accept suggested”.
- General UI improvement to better user experience
- Improved reporting system.
- Bug fixes:
- in project, module and traces iterators.
- Fixed bug in alert when a traceability module that is already created between the same source and target is created.
- Fixed bug in Impact Analysis.
- Fixed bug state change notification.
- Fixed bug when a trace group is converted to consistent.
- Fixed bug when adding traceability module.
- Created new 64-bit installer version.
SE Suite Server
- Modified Excel Import to include cluster advanced options.
- Fixed performance issues when checking the Active Directory.
- General improvements, performance and stability
Database proxy
- Fixed issue with certain type of Smart Cards using a SHA256 algorithm.
- Updated out-of-the-box ontologies.
- Fixed error in the structure of the SQL Server backup of the Swedish OOTB database
Version 18.4 Release 0 / August 3, 2020
3 August 2020
- Improved parsing from Capella files
- Inferring connection provider for Excel when copying/pasting Excel files with EQA configuration files to another machine with another Excel architecture (32-bits to 64-bit MS Excel installation or the other way around) for the same configuration options.
- Improved “Module configuration loader for DOORS” feature:
- Compatibility with DOORS 9.7
- Fixed some bug while processing the csv configuration file in specific conditions
- DNG:
- New RAT widget available (see further below)
- Improved “Module configuration loader for DOORS” feature:
- Refreshed custom code, special sentences and completeness/consistency configuration windows with animated tabs in the style of the parameterized and non-parameterized correctness metric configuration window introduced in v18.3.
- Requirements out-of-date warning improved to include the time spent in storing assessment attributes in the RMS. Additionally, split the warning into two stages:
- Consistency and Completeness quality assessment out-of-date warning
- Correctness out-of-date warning.
- Change in default configuration for new correctness metrics: the “Count Repetitions” option is enabled by default.
- Added select all/none buttons in specification selector window
- Added pattern and pattern group parameters in special sentences and custom-code correctness metrics to select the part of text in the requirement statement to analyze.
- Improved misspelling metric.
- Improved performance while loading dictionaries.
- Now the check can:
- Separate numbers from unit measurement units.
- Consider terminology coming out of libraries or external knowledge interfaces (KIs)
- Improved dictionary loads
- Minor improvements in UI experience.
- Improved and fixed bugs in the requirement edition window:
- Suggestion management
- Tooltips on top of the edited text
- Improved UI messages to be more concise
- Improved autocomplete options
- Improved behavior while dealing with references/hyperlinks
- Improved behavior for “Literal” slots in pattern while authoring with a pattern containing such type of slot.
- “Save As…” option improved: when target project has only one specification now it is not necessary to select it.
RAT plugin for Rhapsody
- Improve behavior while dealing with references/hyperlinks in requirement authoring
RAT widget for DNG
- Real-time pattern-based authoring available.
- On-the-fly quality assessment available.
- New traceability module management available
- New Impact Analysis available
- New “Export traces” feature available
- Evaluate consistency automatically on load module avoided
- UI now available in Spanish
- Increased performance
- Fix content not updated on meta-data for work product in artifact with representation
- Smart management “single document view” for suggestions and traced elements (avoid refreshing at minimum change)
SE Suite Server
- New possibility to configure secure database connections with certificate and smart cards:
- Speeding them up, by only checking the validity of the certificate the first time a connection is open inside a session
- Or to keep checking it in every database query, slower option.
- New possibility to configure secure database connections with certificate and smart cards:
- Speeding them up, by only checking the validity of the certificate the first time a connection is open inside a session
- Or to keep checking it in every database query, slower option.
- Suggestion management improvement:
- Double click on pending suggestion now launch approval process instead of edition window.
- New indexer configuration options for the formalization stage when working at document level.
- Solved bug while loading libraries
- Solved bug while copying the contents to another database
- Solved bug while creating a new library
- Improved general performance
- Added the features of the Migration tool to the KM Connection window.
- Possibility of migration database structure and data in the connection window.
Database proxy
- New possibility to configure secure database connections with certificate and smart cards:
- Speeding them up, by only checking the validity of the certificate the first time a connection is open inside a session
- Or to keep checking it in every database query, slower option.
- New improved out-of-the-box ontology for English language
Version 18.3 Release 0 / December 17, 2019
17 December 2019
RQA Build version
- Improved connection window
- Possibitlies to load additional attributes to be used for filtering while setting up any type of metrics.
- DOORS Next Generation:
- Improved connection for off-line assessment (RQA Batch)
- Improved overlapping consistencty metric
- Improved spellchecker system to handle hexadecimal numbers properly such as 0x10ABDECF or 10ABDECFh
- Improved spellchecker system to handle decimal numbers adjacent to measurement units properly such as 7.2e-2kW
- Improved correcteness, consistency and completeness custom-code edition environment with possiblities to load custom assemblies.
- Improved correctness aggregated results window.
- New possiblities for all the requirement statement related correctness metrics to identify which part of the statement to assess by using pattern matching techniques.
- New possibilites for completeness and consistency metric configuration to adapt to the ontology changes when evolving with new terms, relationships, etc.
SE Suite Server:
- Fixed bug while configuring the Scheduled Task for off-line assessment
- Improved writing experience in French language mainly ragarding the use of apostrophe
RAT Widget for DNG:
- Evolution of the previous RQA widget in DNG, now covering also RAT capabilites.
- Improved feature of “why my pattern does not match the input text”
- Improved management of libraries.
- Improved generation and management of spellchecker dictionaries
Database connections:
- Ensure possibility of secure connection using HTTPS and Certificates from the SE Suite client applications to the Ontology Database
Ontology Proxy:
- New piece available for deployment when it’s restricted by company policies to connect from the client applications (RQA, RAT, KM, etc) directly to the database.
Version 18.2 Release 0 / May 15, 2019
15 May 2019
RQA Build version 18.2.7073.22506
- Improved integration with SysML
- DOORS Next Generation:
- Improved connection time
- Implemented new filter by artifact type
- Added possibility to configure the artifact type for new requirements created using RAT
- Japanese
- Introduced new dictionaries to improve tokenization.
- Revised completeness and consistency metric results.
- Improved overlapping consistencty metric
- Improved spellchecker system to handle stem in the controlled vocabulary in the ontology for different languages
- Renamed from AUTHORING TOOLS
- Improved assistance to write compound terms
- Improved spellchecker system to handle stem in the controlled vocabulary in the ontology for different languages
- Improved management of pattern deletion
- Solved bug while editing or adding terms (relationship tabs)
Db Migration Tool:
- Improved user experience when migrating databases to the latest version
Version 18.1 Release 3 / May 18, 2018
18 May 2018
VERIFICATION Studio Build version 18.1.6712.25983
- Improved integration with Papyrus and its class diagrams
- Improved XML files parsing
- Reqtify:
- Improved integration with Reqtify application: Reqtify is able to start VERIFICATION Studio directly skipping the connection window.
- DOORS Next Generation:
- Implemented new filter by artifact type
- Japanese
- Introduced new dictionaries to improve tokenization.
- Revised completeness and consistency metric results.
- Improved performance of quality evolution graphics.
- Introduced new technology in the specification short report
- Improved integration with the Scalability platform for OSLC-KM connection
- Improved assistance to write compound terms
- Improved management of pattern deletion
- Solved bug while editing or adding terms (relationship tabs)
Version 18.1 Release 2 / April 17, 2018
17 April 2018
VERIFICATION Studio Build version 18.1.6681.36193
The Knowledge-Centric Systems Engineering (KCSE) Suite now it’s renamed as Systems Engineering Suite to give a better description of all the new features released in the v18.
Some of the products composing the suite has also been renamed:
- Systems Quality Analyzer (SQA) now is VERIFICATION Studio
- Rich Authoring Tool (RAT)now is AUTHORING Tools
- The Rich Authoring Tool Grid is not longer available
- The AUTHORING Tools is a set of plugins on top of Systems Engineering Tools such as DOORS, Rhapsody, etc.
- System Interroperabilty Manager (SIM) has been splited into two halves:
- TRACEABILITY Studio to focus in the traceability (formerly the plugin T+ inside SIM)
- INTEROPERABILITY Studio to focus on the automatic transformations among different work products of, maybe, different Systems Engineering Tools
- This Studio is only avalaible in this moment as a application for a tailoring process
- System Knowledge Repository Server (SKR Server)now is Systems Engineering Suite Server (SES Server).
- System Knowledge Repository Batch Process (SKR Batch Process)is now Systems Engineering Suite Batch Process (SES Batch Process).
General improvements:
- User Interface improvements to simplify the interaction with the user
- General revision via use-case scenarios
- Token consumption revision and update. Three new possibilities of licensing:
- Bundle: license limited in time and number of work product assessments
- Year subscription: license limited only in time.
- Perpertual: license not limited neither in time nor number of assessements.
- Improved performance of correctness analysis.
- Completeness and consistency on-the-fly improvements:
- now displays the local quality and the global quality for consistency
- better completeness results display for the editing work product
- Improve reliability of the Excel and Word plugin
- Improve Rhapsody plugin installation
- Improved management of the library management
- Improved copy from database to database functionality
Version 18.1 Release 1 / February 2, 2018
2 February 2018
SQA Build version 18.1.6607.27129
Brand new release of Knowledge-Centric Systems Engineering (KCSE) Suite
General improvements:
- User Interface improvements to simplify the interaction with the user
System Quality Analyzer (SQA):
- Quality certificate improvements in generating and loading the ontology contents.
- Consistency properties metric results improved after detecting missing work products in the work product summary list
- Better validation of the consistency overlapping work product metric configuration
- Improved Excel connection window
- Solved special sentence management bug when saving changes.
System Knowledge Repository Server (SKR Server):
- Token report improvements
Rich Authoring Tool (RAT):
- New spellchecker functionality to improve underlining misspelled words while typing
- Completeness and consistency on-the-fly improvements:
- now displays the local quality and the global quality for consistency
- better completeness results display for the editing work product
Knowledge Manager (KM):
- Improvements while importing term to the System Conceptual Model (SCM)
- Improved management of the formalization of relationships
- Improved management of the pattern assistant wizard when editing an existing pattern
- Improvements in the Configuration Management comparison windows
- Improved complete copy of the ontology when deleting the output completely.
Out-of-the-box ontologies:
- Improvement of the English ontology: simplification of patterns and revision of clusters and terminology
Version 18.1 Release 0 / December 27, 2017
27 December 2017
SQA Build version 18.1.6570.1203
Brand new version of the formerly known as Requirements Quality Suite, now called Knowledge-Centric Systems Engineering (KCSE) Suite
The KCSE Suite is composed of these applications:
- System Quality Analyzer (SQA) (formerly known as Requirements Quality Analyzer or RQA)
- Rich Authoring Tool (RAT) (formerly known as Requirements Authoring Tool)
- Rich Authoring Tool (RAT) plugin for DOORS
- Rich Authoring Tool (RAT) plugin for Integrity
- Rich Authoring Tool (RAT) plugin for Excel (new!)
- Rich Authoring Tool (RAT) plugin for Word (new!)
- Rich Authoring Tool (RAT) plugin for Rhapsody (new!)
- System Interoperability Manager (SIM) (new!). Including the following plugins
- Traceability Manager (T+)
- Transformation Manager (R+)
- Reasoning Manager
- Custom Manager
- (System) Knowledge Manager (KM)
- System Knowledge Repository Server (SKR Server) (formerly known as Requirements Quality Suite Server or RQS Server)
- System Knowledge Repository Batch Process (SKR Batch Process) (formerly known as Requirements Quality Suite Synchronizer or RQS Synchronizer)
The KCSE Suite includes connectors to the following requirement sources:
- IBM Rational DOORS 8.3 or higher
- IBM Rational DOORS 9.x
- IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0 (Jazz 6.0) or higher (new!)
- PTC Integrity 10.5 or higher
- Microsoft Excel 2007 or higher
- Microsoft Word 2007 or higher (new!)
- Reqtify 2015 or higher
- Visure Requirements 4.x or higher
- ReqIF (new!)
The KCSE Suite allows customizing the semantic interpretation of multiple sources of information such as models, as well as making filters using routines developed in a customized way in a C# environment.
Additionally, KCSE Suite allows creating semantic interpretations defined by users, to XML-based sources.
Moreover, KCSE Suite converts workproducts from multiple sources of information into textual content.
The KCSE Suite includes connectors to the following model sources: (new!)
- SysML:
- IBM Rational Rhapsody
- Papyrus
- Magic Draw
- Simulation:
- Matlab Simulink
- Other:
- Excel
- Json
- Pure Variance
- SQL (Oracle, SQL Server, Access, MySQL)
- Textual Sources (pdf, csv, txt, doc, docx)
- Custom
The KCSE Suite supports these languages:
- English
- French
- German (new!)
- Japanese (new!)
- Swedish (new!)
- Italian (new!)
- Spanish
The KCSE Suite includes these new features:
- Quality control and evaluation dashboards
- Multiple requirements and model connections managed in a single Quality Project
- Supply chain support via Quality Certificates
- Ontology exchange via Libraries
- Ontology dynamic synchronization via Knowledge Interfaces
- Ontology Configuration Management (including the System Knowledge-Base and Metrics for quality analysis) and Changes Federation across different ontologies.
- Interoperability support:
- Built-in custom-code metric editor