European research project Intelligent Reliability 4.0 (iRel40), under the coordination of Infineon Technologies AG, brought The REUSE Company and 74 other science industry partners (from 13 countries) to work together on enhancing the reliability of electronic systems and microelectronic components.

iRel40 encompassed eight work packages, each addressing different aspects such as advanced requirements management, theoretical principles, materials, test methods, and pilot applications. With expertise in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), The REUSE Company made valuable contributions to the project. AI and ML methods were seamlessly integrated into the design and development processes, employing AI-driven models to minimize reliability risks throughout the entire value chain.
The project successfully reduced failure rates across the entire value chain of microelectronic systems, which led to improvement in product quality and extended product lifetimes. By recognizing the importance of customer satisfaction, the project played a crucial role in shaping business strategy and fostering differentiation in the ECS Industry.
This ambitious project received funding from the European Union under the ECSEL program, with the goal of securing approximately 25,000 highly qualified jobs in Europe through strategic partnerships and investments in innovation.
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