The REUSE Company is one of 75 science and industry partners from 13 countries participating in the European research project Intelligent Reliability 4.0 (iRel40). The project is coordinated by Infineon Technologies AG, and the aim is to improve the reliability of electronic systems and microelectronic components.
By optimizing the reliability of microelectronic systems along the entire value chain, failure rates will be reduced in a significant way, leading to an improvement of the product’s quality and lifetime. Customer satisfaction has become a key element of business strategy and the project will enable differentiation in the ECS Industry.
IRel40 is divided into eight work packages including aspects like advanced requirements management, theoretical principles, materials, test methods, and pilot applications. The REUSE Company will contribute with its expertise and skills in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). AI and ML methods will be integrated in the design and development processes, and AI driven models will be implemented to minimize reliability risks along the whole value chain.
The project is funded by the European Union within the scope of the ECSEL program and is planned to secure about 25.000 highly qualified jobs in Europe through partnerships and investment in innovation.
More information on the project is provided on the website: https://www.irel40.eu/
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