81 European companies and institutions participate in what is known to be the largest project for the digitization of the European engineering industry. With a budget of 91 million euros, the Arrowhead Tools project aims to close the gaps that currently hinder IT/OT integration and reduce the overall engineering cost for digitization and automation solutions. Such solutions will provide seamless integration of tools and generate new jobs and business opportunities, making Europe a more competitive market. The Luleå University of Technology manages the project in Sweden and has been ongoing since May 2019, scheduled to end in July 2022.
Some project participants include Volvo, Bosch, Philips, Infineon, and University Carlos III of Madrid. Besides a monetary contribution, each participant is in charge of providing their expertise, knowledge, and skills in solving varied Cases of use that will nourish the project and tackle various challenges of the engineering field.
The REUSE Company proudly participates in the project and is in charge of providing knowledge in Traceability Management, Quality, Verification & Validation, and Knowledge Management. Considering that our SES ENGINEERING Studio offer our clients the possibility of processing logical models, the improvements achieved during the project will provide physical modeling processing capabilities. This will permit both access to new working groups within current clients and the possibility of obtaining new clients that use other tools in their engineering processes.
Jerker Delsing, Arrowhead Tools’ project coordinator gives a brief explanation on the project and its benefits in the following video presentation:
More information on the project and the participants can be found in the website: Arrowhead Tools.
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