High-quality requirements with SE Suite
ECSS – European Cooperation for Space Standardization– represents a set of standards aiming to gain a common understanding across the space industry in Europe. ECSS released the ECSS-E-ST-10-06C (6 March 2009) to provide some guidelines for the development of technical requirements specifications.
The REUSE Company has developed a Knowledge Library coping with the ECSS standard (among others within the ECSS) to guide requirements writers writing high-quality requirements and provide help during the long-lasting requirements inspections, those making easier the compliance with the ECSS standards. This Knowledge Library is part of the SE Suite (Systems Engineering Suite), managed by our tool Knowledge Library (including glossaries, taxonomies of terms, taxonomies of types of requirements, requirements patterns and requirements quality rules).
- A brief introduction to The REUSE Company
- Introduction to ECSS and the main standards covered in the Library
- The content of the ECSS Knowledge Library
- Next steps with this library
- Live demo
- Q&A