This webinar was organized by the INCOSE Requirements Working Group for INCOSE members.
Quality rules in the authoring stage
While the guide is a worldwide broadly used and recognized reference for requirement engineers, its implementation still poses many challenges. For example, the fact that requirements can be expressed at different levels of abstraction, the components addressed by those requirements are not equally critical and a requirement document might contain requirements of different types or levels. Additionally, because the guide is extremely complete, the implementation of these rules in a single step turns out to be very complex, especially when considering the different skills of different team members, not to mention the amount of effort for the manual inspection of such a large number of quality rules.
The proposed solution is based on the gradual implementation of sets of incrementally demanding quality rules that could address different levels of abstraction and criticality, as well as the different skills of the engineers. Besides, the approach is aiming not only at the quality inspection but mainly at the authoring stage, thus reducing rework and enhancing reusability while boosting the performance of the requirements engineering teams. Requirements patterns (or boilerplates) represent another key factor guaranteeing structural consistency among requirements, while enabling uniformity of structure and content (based on domain-specific dictionaries). This solution is unachievable without a proper set of tools so, a technical solution to the aforementioned challenges will be presented during the meeting.
About the speaker:
José Fuentes obtained his degree in Information Science at the Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain). After getting his degree, he founded, together with other 5 colleagues, an SME with the vision of streamlining the software development processes. After some years as product manager of tools aimed at software engineers, he and his company turned into the systems engineering discipline.
His professional experience is focused on the Management of software and systems related projects, as well as training and consultancy activities related to project management (PMP), CMMI, requirements management, logical modeling, and systems engineering.
For more than 10 years, he’s been leading the team of developers in charge of creating the suite of tools Requirements Quality Suite in The REUSE Company. This includes from the research stage to the commercialization stage.