Protecting systems from cyberattacks with SOLSTICIA

As part of Spain’s Plan for Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience in R&D&i, the Science and Innovation Missions project explored important aspects of research and technology. Among its missions, SOLSTICIA aimed to optimize intelligent software development.

Partners such as The REUSE Company, CAPGEMINI, TSK, ATOS, COTESA, MTP, PROXYA, Tecnalia Technology Center, and Universidad Politécnica of Madrid worked on the mission “Promotion of information security, privacy, and cybersecurity in the Spanish economy and society in the 21st century.”

Given the increasing need for cybersecurity in our evolving technological landscape, SOLSTICIA aimed to answer a critical question: How can developers create secure intelligent systems and avoid cyberattacks?

Juan Llorens, Professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid, and CTO of The REUSE Company, emphasized the project’s importance in advancing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology applied to Systems Engineering. He noted the project’s alignment with both company and university technological aspirations.

Como parte del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia en I+D+i de España, el proyecto Misiones de Ciencia e Innovación exploró aspectos importantes de la investigación y la tecnología. Entre sus misiones, SOLSTICIA tenía como objetivo optimizar el desarrollo de software inteligente.

Socios como The REUSE Company, CAPGEMINI, TSK, ATOS, COTESA, MTP, PROXYA, Tecnalia Technology Center y la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid trabajaron en la misión “Promoción de la seguridad de la información, privacidad y ciberseguridad en la economía y sociedad españolas en el siglo XXI”.

Dada la creciente necesidad de ciberseguridad en nuestro cambiante panorama tecnológico, SOLSTICIA buscaba responder a una pregunta crucial: ¿Cómo pueden los desarrolladores crear sistemas inteligentes seguros y evitar ciberataques?

Juan Llorens, profesor en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y CTO de The REUSE Company, destacó la importancia del proyecto en el avance de la tecnología de inteligencia artificial aplicada a la Ingeniería de Sistemas. Señaló la alineación de los objetivos del proyecto con las aspiraciones tecnológicas tanto de la empresa como del equipo universitario involucrado.


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Presenters at the AMETIC Language Technologies conference

Supplier companies and user entities will get together at AMETIC’s hybrid Language Technologies conference to discuss real use cases, key technologies for data management, and the creation of interactive and accessible interfaces.

& we’ll be presenting a use case!

Alongside Tecnalia, we’ll present a use case from our collaboration in the SOLSTICIA project. 

With deterministic and non-deterministic techniques, we propose the automatic creation of a knowledge base to improve cybersecurity requirements engineering activities in the lifecycle management of critical systems. 

By employing artificial intelligence algorithms such as bio-inspired algorithms, techniques with semantic patterns, and Deep Learning, information extraction from cybersecurity documents is achieved, and a pattern base can be created for the detection and reuse of cybersecurity requirements.

You can take a look at the event’s website to find out about the speakers, agenda, and registration process. The event is in Spanish and has a hybrid modality; online or attendance in Centro de IA MIL, Madrid, Spain.

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Partners in Science & Innovation Missions: SOLSTICIA project

The Science and Innovation Missions project (within Spain’s Plan for Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience of the National Plan for R&D&i), covers topics relevant to research and technology. Within the project’s missions, is the SOLSTICIA project, which aims to optimize and secure intelligent software development processes. 

The REUSE Company, along with CAPGEMINI, TSK, ATOS, COTESA, MTP, PROXYA, Tecnalia technology center, and Universidad Politécnica of Madrid, have been working on the development of the project’s mission; “Promotion of information security, privacy and cybersecurity in the Spanish economy and society in the 21st century.”

As technology and the internet evolves, the need for cybersecurity has increased dramatically. Therefore, developers not only have to work hard to develop intelligent systems, but also to avoid creating vulnerability-prone systems.

Consequently, SOLSTICIA aims to find a solution to this demanding need; how can developers build intelligent systems that guarantee security and can avoid cyberattacks?

Juan Llorens, Professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid and CTO of The REUSE Company, states that this project represents an enormous opportunity to develop cutting-edge technology in the Artificial Intelligence field, applied to Systems Engineering. Besides being an intriguing project, its objectives fit perfectly with the technological aspirations that we have in the company and in the University team that also participates in its development.

You can visit CDTI to find out more about the Innovation Missions project and it’s goals.


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